WiX Webmaster Certified
I am happy to announce that last month I received my Webmaster Design Certificate from WiXEd and I am now your one stop solution for all...
I am an APPLE Junkie!
It's time for me to come clean. I am an APPLE Junkie. There is a fine line between love and addiction and I might have crossed it. If I...
I need your YELP
Like any average socially tech savvy person I decided to take a picture of my dinner plate at my favorite Indian restaurant. And like any...
A Lesson in PMS
I was the only female sitting across a large conference room table, I didn't know it but I was about to give a lesson on PMS. I began to...
"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead! True Story!" One of my most favorite quotes of all time is from the TV show...